Saturday, 22 September 2007

General update.

It's a quiet house here today so i thought I would take the opportunity to update my blog!

Lachlan and Cody have gone with their Nanna and Poppy to Narrogin speedway for the afternoon so we have had a nice quiet day with the three littlies. All three babies had a sleep at the same time and I did nothing (not that I had nothing to do, LOL!)

Now we have just been for a walk around the estate here and I am feeling pretty good for it! I have been on a major weight loss campaign here in an attempt to loose some post baby belly and get ready for my cousin Wendy's wedding on the 6th Oct (I am chief bridesmaid) So far I have lost 4.5kg but I would love to loose about another 5kilos. Obviously I won't make that goal before the wedding but I'll see what I can manage. I am determined to keep on exercising too. Most of the time I can't be bothered but when I do make the time for it I feel so much happier with myself.

Things around here have been good. The babies now weigh a hefty 5.5kg and are doing great. We trialled coming off the antacid medicaton this week - what a mistake that was!! We have now gone back on it and we're waiting for it to kick in and take effect so that these whinging miserable babes can be replaced with my usual placid and non-demanding babies! The poor little men have been spewing sooooo much and screaming with the pain of reflux :( Other than that they have been really well though. I have been surprised at how tough they have been since coming home from hospital actually - they had a cold a week ago and I was sure it would develop into some sort of infection for them but both came through the other side of it fairly quickly with no further complications - I think we have some pretty tough little guys here.

Cody has been driving me batty. He is my most challenging child by far at the moment! I love him to pieces but sometimes I just wonder what is wrong with him - he is like a little ball of energy most of the time and he can't control himself, he just has far too much fun tormenting his siblings and making them yell! I think a lot of it might be to do with boredom so I am hoping that once he gets to kindy next year he might become a little more manageable. I am actually thinking af attending a triple P program to see if I can brush up on any strategies to help deal with him a little better. I am so sick of screaming at the kids all the time and I know that there are better (more effective) ways of dealing with them. *sigh* why can't they stay little babies forever - at least then they don't develop attitudes and talk back LOL!

Lachlan is doing school swimming lessons at the moment. He seems to be really enjoying it! He asked me to come down to the pools and watch but it is so hard to get out and do things like that. I did manage to have the four littlies looked after by Kim the other day so I could go and watch and he was so pleased that I was there - i feel guilty for not being able to give him the time that some of his friends mum's can give their kids :( I might have to see if I can manage it again this week at least once, even if I have to take all the kids with me and make them sit in the pram (although I can just see how well it will go down to take Cody and Niamh to the pool and not let them swim!!)

Oh well, I'd better get going and figure out what's for tea in this house - I promise to try and update a little more often!
