Monday 22 September 2008

After our relaxing break in Busselton....

I need a holiday, ha ha ha!

The kids had a great time though! We stayed at the Mercure apartments right on the beach front and although the weather was pretty dodgy the whole time we were there (Thurs, Fri, Sat nights) we still managed to get out and about and do enough to keep the kids entertained. The twins were little delights though.... they really don't seem to enjoy car rides or sitting in the pram and they made sure we knew about it at every possible opportunity!

We took the older ones in the indoor pool/spa a few times and we watched DVD's, played board games and hung around in the apartment as well as a few little bike rides between the rain showers! We went out to Dunsborough and Margaret River one day and did the whole chocolate factory/Simmos ice cream thing so the kids were pretty happy with that :)

But.. all good things must come to an end and we are back to the daily grind now! Lachlan is off at school for his last week of term 3 (can you believe how fast that has gone??) and I am back to doing a tonne of washing and cleaning and trying desperately to sort this house out!

On the house front - we are at a standstill at the moment! We are still trying to patch and paint and clean so that we can put this place on the market but we have signed up for the new house with RedInk (subject to sale of this place) so we are slowly moving in the right direction! The block should settle tomorrow (was supposed to be a few weeks ago but the sellers weren't ready yet!) Once we settle on the block we can take a look at the shed and see if it's any good for storage and we can start thinking about our next move. I am feeling really overwhelmed at the thought of trying to sell this house (actually, of trying to keep it clean and presentable for sale) while going through the life changing events of adding baby number 6 to our family but I guess we will manage - somehow!

I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant - not long to go in the scheme of things now. I am trying really hard not to think about this pregnancy too much as I don't want the end to drag on. I have a feeling I am not going to find this last 10 weeks as easy as I have found the beginning. Max and Blake are really hard work at the moment - they are just such heavy lumps and are not walking yet so they require me to lift and lugg them everywhere. They are also into absolutely everything all the time and the only way I can keep my sanity is to keep them in the playpen as much as possible. I feel a bit bad about that and I know I can't keep them in there forever but at the moment I just don't feel like I am physically capable of keeping up with them if they have the freedom of the house. I need to be a bit more careful though - just last week I nearly did a repeat performance of my last pregnancy when I was carrying Max and stepping over the playpen. I tripped and stumbled - kind of throwing him out in the air and was so lucky that I managed to regain my footing before dropping him and myself to the floor! I must have scared him (poor little guy, cried a bit!) and I know I scared myself so note to self : be more careful!

I am still trying to focus on getting ready for christmas and the kids birthdays so that should take up a lot of my time and energy over the next few weeks! I have started my Xmas shopping but I am nowhere near finished yet so that is the challenge for now - to get it all done before I am incapable of doing it!

Tomorrow is Cody's sports day at school and he is very excited that I will be there to watch him! I hope the twins are as excited to sit in their pram all morning ;) I'm going to need a lot of snacks and bribes to survive this one! I'll try to come back with some photos of him over the next few days!


1 comment:

Kristy said...

Far out Marnie lol I dislike moving house at the best of times although I know it's not always the timing we get to choose. Sending you Superwoman strength (only to be used in a half-dose) and zeds, and rest... lol