Wednesday, 28 November 2007

PMH developmental appointment

Today we had the twins' 4 month developmental appointment at PMH. It seriously couldn't have gone better and I am one happy mumma :)

We were told that they seem to be at the level of about 5 month olds - which is fantastic considering their corrected age is 4 months! They are doing everything right and I feel like it's safe to say that their prematurity hasn't left either of them with any negative health issues. Even though we already suspected they were fine it is such a relief to be told by a paed.I am so proud of my clever little men!

Just yesterday and today Max has learned a new party trick. Whenever he is placed down on his back he immediately rolls over onto his tummy (and then proceeds to whinge - LOL!)

Oh - and I knew they were a 'healthy' weight but get this.... Max weighs 8.53 kilos and Blake weighs 8.54 kilos, little chubbas!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's tops!!

They are growing so well aren't they LOL
