Thursday, 24 April 2008

as I should have expected.....

ok, I don't know if anyone even reads this (probably not) so I am going to use it to vent away!!

without naming any names....

1) We are not choosing to have 6 children so that everyone in our families has to go broke buying presents for them.. We DO NOT EXPECT anything from ANYONE and I really really resent people inferring that my children are a financial burden to them - please just don't buy us presents! We have enough love and fun in our beautiful family and consider that to be of far greater importance than any material posessions or 'gifts' we might be in line to receive!

2) OK, so it might be all very 'funny' (to you maybe) but please put yourself in my shoes... I am not a 'breeding machine' this baby will not just fall out of me if I sneeze and believe it or not we do have TV's and we can 'say no'. I am young, I am fit, I enjoy my children and my body has not suffered irrepairable damage from carrying and nurturing them. It is truely none of your business how many children we have and if we can handle it then it should have no impact whatsoever on you - so please keep those really 'funny' comments to yourself - I am not amused

3) this one's to all those strangers in the shops (can't wait till I have an obvious pregnant belly!) PLEASE stop jumping out in front of my pram to count my children out loud and then make some stupid comment just for the sake of talking. NO SH*T I have my 'hands full' (If I hear that one more time I may just strangle the observant person) No I am not a 'glutton for punishment' and just because as you so aptly put it you couldn't "handle any more than your two" does not mean that no one else should have a large family. And finally my biggest gripe - STOP telling me that you 'feel sorry for me" this one is getting especially hard to explain to my 6 year old when you walk away and I am left with him asking me "why did that lady say that mummy?" There is no way to explain it other than you are a fu*king idiot (and we all know that is not an appropriate explaination!)

Now... as I said no one will probably read this anyway, but on the off chance you do I really hope it makes you think a little before you comment on someone else's life. Don't say dumb unsupportive things... after all, if you can't say anything nice.....



Anonymous said...

Hi Marnz

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. Don't worry about the naysayers, there are plenty of us that are proud as punch of you and Dan.

We are all so happy for all of you and look forward to meeting the new addition.

Rodney, Dana & Caitlin

Tracy said...

Hugs. I know where you are coming from there!
We have often got the looks, counts and comments. And I get sick of justifying our choice of a large family too.
I say things like ..while others practice we actually do it..totally embaras people Lol

and... we're looking for one we like ...that makes them gasp

We love and adore our larger family. I tell my relatives buy the kids group presents please as it's too much with individual presents. We have 6 lots of baby toys :S Please don't buy us anymore.

Games are a great present idea. Totem tennis, cricket sets and borad games are cool.

Melissa said...

Hugs Marnie

I can only imagine how hurtful it must be to bear the brunt of those sorts of inconsiderate comments everyday :( Surprisingly, I occasionally get similar comments from some people & I've only got 3 children.

Be proud of your gorgeous family & try to ignore all the idiots.


Unknown said...

Hey Marn's send a few of the little'uns to ninja camp and set them on the old granny's at Rocko City, that'll shut em up.

Always here to help.

Uncle Cam.

nice knickers said...

I can't remember if I said congratulations elsewhere, but it won't hurt to say it again!

I have made the comment to people before about having their hands full with lots of kiddos, but it was coming from pure admiration, not meant as criticism and I never thought it might come across any other way until now. Hopefully at least a few of the people who have said it to you have meant it similarly.

I think you're amazing!