Monday, 11 June 2007

Stop the ride.... I wanna get off :(

*sigh* It is 11pm and we have just got home from the hospital again. Today has brought a whole new set of issues and a whole lot more questions without answers.

I'll start with Max - this is the good news! He seems to have perked up a lot and is on the mend. The antibiotics seem to be doing the trick and his colour has returned to normal. He is squirming and fidgeting like normal and although still very sleepy seems to be breathing like normal. They found a bug in the blood cultures that would be responsible for this infection and apparently it is a very common bug that lives on the skin and would have gotten in through the IV in his leg or arm. He will need to remain on the antibiotics for about 7 days and is currently not being tube fed at all because sick little bubs don't digest their food all that well and to leave it sitting in his belly might cause other gut problems. I am hoping that tomorrow they will recommence his feeds (though at what quantity I don't know??)

Now for Blake - He has had a few episodes of vomiting after his feeds (not a lot, but enough to make them watch him more closely) they aspirated before a feed this afternoon and got 9ml back out of his tummy. It looked like pretty much undigested breastmilk and so they decided that rather than putting another 19ml back in they would return the aspirate back to his tummy and then make up the rest of the 19ml with new milk. They did this and then waited till the next feed to see what would happen. At the next feed he was still holding milk in his belly so they did another tummy x-ray and found no obstruction (good news!) but still it was a mystery as to why he had stopped tolerating feeds again! Then, this evening he was very tachycardic (fast heart beat, up around 200bpm) so they have now begun to suspect that he too may be brewing some sort of infection or illness that would be affecting his heart rate and also his ability to digest his feeds. They have witheld any more feeds till the morning and are taking bloods at midnight tonight to check it all out!

Now for both of them - They had some tests done a few days after they were born and the tests have shown a "possibility" of a few complications. We are still unsure at this point what it all means and really don't want to go into it right now, other than to say it's another spanner in the works and a little more stress we could have done without! Once we know a little more I will edit this post and add the details, until then it's all speculation anyway!

Sorry this is a little bit factual tonight but I really can't go into the emotional side of it now, I feel far too drained to even go there. I know this is a temporary hiccup but it is extremely frustrating at the same time.



Steph's said...

Marnie, please know there are people thinking of you and the boys and we are all hoping that things get better. I read your news with anticipation and concern.

Shazz said...

dear marnie...i am a friend of kims and i just have read through your account of your little men's trials and tribulations.
please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you and your husband and your family at this time.
i hope that in the near future i will be hearing about their milestones that they are surpassing and how well they are are doing.
but until then, may God hold you all in the palm of His merciful hand.
