since my last post! firstly the twins are finally walking!! Yay!! They are so cute the way they toddle around the house and seem so much happier now that they are a little more self sufficient. They have also been teething (with those yucky eye teeth) so that has been fun for all (NOT!!) but they seem to have settled down a bit this last week so fingers crossed they will be happier for a little while now.
I have had them both at the skin specialist last week for their discoid excema and I am so glad we have finally had it seen to! It was getting to the point where they looked all manky and scabby all over and were super irritable all the time from it. I felt so sorry for them but nothing I was doing was helping to clear it up and it was driving us all insane!! Now they have been prescribed a MUCH stronger steroid cream and I can see a huge difference in just a matter of days. We are taking them back in two weeks so the Dr can see the improvement and decide where to go from there but finally we have a definitive diagnosis and a treatment that works.
We took delivery of our new car a few weeks ago. It's a Toyota Hiace commuter and although I can't say I am in love with it (after all - I never dreamed I would become a bus driver!!) it certainly makes life easier. The kids are really comfy in it and have heaps of room. We can take extras in the car now and the boot is really massive so serves all our needs and I am slowly getting used to driving and parking it. It's actually not too bad to drive - It's just the getting used to where it starts and ends when parking it that I am still nervous about but I am sure I will get there soon.
I am now 36 weeks pregnant and trying very hard to remain positive. I need to keep reminding myself that although I am 'over it' bubs is far better off in than out even at this point and there is a reason people are pregnant for 40 weeks. This will be my last pregnancy and although I am ready for the next stage of our lives there will always be a part of me that misses the miracle of making a whole new person and creating life so I am trying my hardest to cherish these last few weeks and remember it all - soon it will just be a distant memory!
The big kids are getting very excited now about the impending arrival of their baby sister! Niamh in particular is looking forward to being my little helper - she is such a little mummy!! I think she will drive me batty but she will love being a big sister :)
It's Niamh's 3rd birthday this Sunday too! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. We are planning on a simple one this year for her - just a sausage sizzle at home for the family and a cake - not sure which cake yet but as long as it is pink she is happy! I will make sure I get back and post some pics of the birthday girl after the event.
My name is Marnie, I am a SAHM to Lachlan, Cody, Niamh, our twin boys Max and Blake and our baby girl Isla. This blog is a place to record the goings on in our daily lives and my interests and hobbies.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
After our relaxing break in Busselton....

I need a holiday, ha ha ha!
The kids had a great time though! We stayed at the Mercure apartments right on the beach front and although the weather was pretty dodgy the whole time we were there (Thurs, Fri, Sat nights) we still managed to get out and about and do enough to keep the kids entertained. The twins were little delights though.... they really don't seem to enjoy car rides or sitting in the pram and they made sure we knew about it at every possible opportunity!
We took the older ones in the indoor pool/spa a few times and we watched DVD's, played board games and hung around in the apartment as well as a few little bike rides between the rain showers! We went out to Dunsborough and Margaret River one day and did the whole chocolate factory/Simmos ice cream thing so the kids were pretty happy with that :)
But.. all good things must come to an end and we are back to the daily grind now! Lachlan is off at school for his last week of term 3 (can you believe how fast that has gone??) and I am back to doing a tonne of washing and cleaning and trying desperately to sort this house out!
On the house front - we are at a standstill at the moment! We are still trying to patch and paint and clean so that we can put this place on the market but we have signed up for the new house with RedInk (subject to sale of this place) so we are slowly moving in the right direction! The block should settle tomorrow (was supposed to be a few weeks ago but the sellers weren't ready yet!) Once we settle on the block we can take a look at the shed and see if it's any good for storage and we can start thinking about our next move. I am feeling really overwhelmed at the thought of trying to sell this house (actually, of trying to keep it clean and presentable for sale) while going through the life changing events of adding baby number 6 to our family but I guess we will manage - somehow!
I am now almost 30 weeks pregnant - not long to go in the scheme of things now. I am trying really hard not to think about this pregnancy too much as I don't want the end to drag on. I have a feeling I am not going to find this last 10 weeks as easy as I have found the beginning. Max and Blake are really hard work at the moment - they are just such heavy lumps and are not walking yet so they require me to lift and lugg them everywhere. They are also into absolutely everything all the time and the only way I can keep my sanity is to keep them in the playpen as much as possible. I feel a bit bad about that and I know I can't keep them in there forever but at the moment I just don't feel like I am physically capable of keeping up with them if they have the freedom of the house. I need to be a bit more careful though - just last week I nearly did a repeat performance of my last pregnancy when I was carrying Max and stepping over the playpen. I tripped and stumbled - kind of throwing him out in the air and was so lucky that I managed to regain my footing before dropping him and myself to the floor! I must have scared him (poor little guy, cried a bit!) and I know I scared myself so note to self : be more careful!
I am still trying to focus on getting ready for christmas and the kids birthdays so that should take up a lot of my time and energy over the next few weeks! I have started my Xmas shopping but I am nowhere near finished yet so that is the challenge for now - to get it all done before I am incapable of doing it!
Tomorrow is Cody's sports day at school and he is very excited that I will be there to watch him! I hope the twins are as excited to sit in their pram all morning ;) I'm going to need a lot of snacks and bribes to survive this one! I'll try to come back with some photos of him over the next few days!
Friday, 22 August 2008
What a healthy bunch we are!
Well, after my post last week things kept going downhill! Blake's rash just got worse and worse and he looked terrible. He had the crusty scabby patches all over his back and chest and then developed a fine sandpaper like rash between the big blotches that covered him pretty much from head to toe! We ended up at the Drs and after taking one look at it he declared that it was a bad eczema flare up with an infection on top of it! Poor little man was so itchy and so miserable! We have now been prescribed an antibiotic for the infection and a cortisone cream for the rash and I am to take him back on mon to see how he is going and decide if we need a referral to a skin specialist. I must admit that after two days of the treatment he is looking a lot better already. The bad patches are much less red and although he still feels terrible all over he is starting to look a bit clearer.
I also ended up going downhill! I had that major headache and it still hasn't really gone away yet. I went to the Drs and was told it was a sinus infection so I am on AB's too and it is slowly improving. I'm on my 8th or 9th day now with this headache but thankfully is is now at a tolerable level so I am just trying to ignore it!
As a result of being sick the house looks like a tip site! I have been unable to bend down and pick stuff up or hang washing out so I have sooooooo much catching up to do this weekend :( To top it off, I was supposed to be working my way through sorting this house out this weekend so we could get onto painting and patching the walls in preparation for putting it on the market! Now thanks to having been sick I guess that is postponed for another week! Grrr!!
On a more positive note I can report some good news :) Rod and Dana had their second bubby yesterday morning in Kalgoorlie! A beautiful little girl named Grace Lillian! Welcome to the world little girl and congratulations to Rod, Dana and big sister Caitlin! We can't wait to meet her and have a cuddle!!
I also ended up going downhill! I had that major headache and it still hasn't really gone away yet. I went to the Drs and was told it was a sinus infection so I am on AB's too and it is slowly improving. I'm on my 8th or 9th day now with this headache but thankfully is is now at a tolerable level so I am just trying to ignore it!
As a result of being sick the house looks like a tip site! I have been unable to bend down and pick stuff up or hang washing out so I have sooooooo much catching up to do this weekend :( To top it off, I was supposed to be working my way through sorting this house out this weekend so we could get onto painting and patching the walls in preparation for putting it on the market! Now thanks to having been sick I guess that is postponed for another week! Grrr!!
On a more positive note I can report some good news :) Rod and Dana had their second bubby yesterday morning in Kalgoorlie! A beautiful little girl named Grace Lillian! Welcome to the world little girl and congratulations to Rod, Dana and big sister Caitlin! We can't wait to meet her and have a cuddle!!
Monday, 18 August 2008
I like to sing...La La Laaa Laaa Laaaaaa!
Yep - you guessed it! We went to the Justine Clark concert today! We ended up taking all 5 kids since Max and Blake were free if they sat on our knees and to my surprise the babies really really enjoyed themselves! They sat and watched the whole thing clapped and cheered and waved their arms around and Max even had a little sing along on my knee "Laaa Laaaa Laaaaaaaaah!" So cute!! The other kids really enjoyed it too. Neevie happily danced and sang away through the whole thing. Lachlan and Cody were a little more reserved at first (I think Lachie might have thought he was too cool to sing in the beginning but it got the better of him by the end!) They all chatted about it all afternoon long so I am pretty sure they had a good time!
Other than that we are still dealing with illness in this house! I am really really tired of it! I have personally been battling a head cold for weeks now and it just won't quit. I have had a headache for four days in a row now and it is really quite debilitating! I have been unable to do much at all as bending over to hang washing/pick up toys/even pick up kids makes my head thump! It hasn't helped that I have a tickly cough and every time I cough I have to hold my head and wince in pain! I really hope it is better by tomorrow - otherwise I think a Drs. visit is on the cards for me later in the week!
Cody has has asthma issues for a few years now but never clearly diagnosed. He was always wheezy in winter as a baby and now in childhood he is pretty bad following a cold every winter. He has major coughing fits that almost cause him to throw up and render him useless on the couch when he is really bad. Thankfully I took him the the Dr last week and we ended up getting a proper diagnosis and a prescription for a new tablet called Singulair that is taken one a day as a preventer. So far he has been taking it and it has really made a difference I think/ We have gone to only needing Ventolin a few times a week (usually still after running or playing outside) as opposed to needing it every day without fail before!
Blake has had a really nasty rash on his back, sides and chest for four days now. I have no idea what it is any more. Initially I thought it was eczema, then I thought it might be ringworm given it's patchiness but the antifungal cream is not really working on it and it looks almost as bad today as it did the day it came up (Friday). He is really aggro and itchy and as soon as you give him the chance he is scratching at it till it bleeds on his chest (so he has had to wear those bodysuit singlets every day and has really quick baths while we hold his hands down). The only think I can think is that he already had eczema (mild) on his body and the day before it came up bad I had given him some 100% orange juice, which in hindsight was a bad idea. I have a Drs appointment for him on Thursday so we will see what the Dr says. I have no idea what to do for him now so I am hoping the Dr gives us a solution - fast!
Max has a few small patches on his back but nothing like Blake so who knows if it's contagious or a skin allergy or what...
Now... for other news....
Just in case I didn't have enough to do at the moment what with having five kids under 7 and being 25 weeks pregnant we have bought a block of land in the last few weeks! It's something we have been umming and aahing over since easter but we finally bit the bullet and did it! The block is in Wellard (in Homestead Ridge) and it's a half acre so we should have enough room to build a nice big house and still give the kids lots of room to run and play as they grow up! So now begins the process of sorting, cleaning and patching our house and putting it on the market. Then we will need to figure out where we are going to live while we build (should be real easy renting with 6 kids - NOT!) and it's pretty unsettling to think that I really want to start thinking about this baby and setting up for her arrival but I have to push it out of my mind since I don't even know where we will be living and where 'home' will be when we bring her home!!! Talk about crazy stuff!
Aaaah, Life is never dull in a large family!
Other than that we are still dealing with illness in this house! I am really really tired of it! I have personally been battling a head cold for weeks now and it just won't quit. I have had a headache for four days in a row now and it is really quite debilitating! I have been unable to do much at all as bending over to hang washing/pick up toys/even pick up kids makes my head thump! It hasn't helped that I have a tickly cough and every time I cough I have to hold my head and wince in pain! I really hope it is better by tomorrow - otherwise I think a Drs. visit is on the cards for me later in the week!
Cody has has asthma issues for a few years now but never clearly diagnosed. He was always wheezy in winter as a baby and now in childhood he is pretty bad following a cold every winter. He has major coughing fits that almost cause him to throw up and render him useless on the couch when he is really bad. Thankfully I took him the the Dr last week and we ended up getting a proper diagnosis and a prescription for a new tablet called Singulair that is taken one a day as a preventer. So far he has been taking it and it has really made a difference I think/ We have gone to only needing Ventolin a few times a week (usually still after running or playing outside) as opposed to needing it every day without fail before!
Blake has had a really nasty rash on his back, sides and chest for four days now. I have no idea what it is any more. Initially I thought it was eczema, then I thought it might be ringworm given it's patchiness but the antifungal cream is not really working on it and it looks almost as bad today as it did the day it came up (Friday). He is really aggro and itchy and as soon as you give him the chance he is scratching at it till it bleeds on his chest (so he has had to wear those bodysuit singlets every day and has really quick baths while we hold his hands down). The only think I can think is that he already had eczema (mild) on his body and the day before it came up bad I had given him some 100% orange juice, which in hindsight was a bad idea. I have a Drs appointment for him on Thursday so we will see what the Dr says. I have no idea what to do for him now so I am hoping the Dr gives us a solution - fast!
Max has a few small patches on his back but nothing like Blake so who knows if it's contagious or a skin allergy or what...
Now... for other news....
Just in case I didn't have enough to do at the moment what with having five kids under 7 and being 25 weeks pregnant we have bought a block of land in the last few weeks! It's something we have been umming and aahing over since easter but we finally bit the bullet and did it! The block is in Wellard (in Homestead Ridge) and it's a half acre so we should have enough room to build a nice big house and still give the kids lots of room to run and play as they grow up! So now begins the process of sorting, cleaning and patching our house and putting it on the market. Then we will need to figure out where we are going to live while we build (should be real easy renting with 6 kids - NOT!) and it's pretty unsettling to think that I really want to start thinking about this baby and setting up for her arrival but I have to push it out of my mind since I don't even know where we will be living and where 'home' will be when we bring her home!!! Talk about crazy stuff!
Aaaah, Life is never dull in a large family!
Sunday, 3 August 2008
rain rain go away....
I am soooo over winter! It seems we have been sick in this house for a few months solid now and I am so tired of it :( I wish winter would just go away and the kids would get rid of all the bugs and germs they are sharing so freely amongst each other!
The twins are still sick - it seems to have lasted the longest in them. Thankfully the gastro is long gone but they have pretty horrible colds at the moment and so as a result this last week was a shocker for sleep. Not too good when I am 23 weeks pregnant and starting to get uncomfortable as it is, and then my husband is getting up at 5am every day to go to work - working till at least 4.30pm and then on days like thursday he went back to work once the kids were in bed and came home at about 11.45pm. He has also gone into work for a few hours on both Saturday and Sunday mornings this weekend!! It seems like he is always working at the moment!! I shouldn't complain as I know he has to do it and it's all for us in the long run but man, I am tired!!
There are a few other things going on here at the moment but I will write about them when they are more set in concrete. We should be getting the new car in a few months time so that will be exciting and everyone is looking forward to our new baby girl joining our family.
It's both Dan's and my 30th Birthdays this year (Dan in July and me in August) so we are doing a combined birthday party/dinner next weekend for our families. I have a bit of work to do this week cleaning and preparing for that but am now looking forward to celebrating that (I didn't want to do anything initially but now am glad that we are doing a 'small' family event.) It's still going to be a big enough crowd with all our lot here, LOL!
Ok, well... kids are screaming and it's all falling apart here so I'd better go sort them out!
The twins are still sick - it seems to have lasted the longest in them. Thankfully the gastro is long gone but they have pretty horrible colds at the moment and so as a result this last week was a shocker for sleep. Not too good when I am 23 weeks pregnant and starting to get uncomfortable as it is, and then my husband is getting up at 5am every day to go to work - working till at least 4.30pm and then on days like thursday he went back to work once the kids were in bed and came home at about 11.45pm. He has also gone into work for a few hours on both Saturday and Sunday mornings this weekend!! It seems like he is always working at the moment!! I shouldn't complain as I know he has to do it and it's all for us in the long run but man, I am tired!!
There are a few other things going on here at the moment but I will write about them when they are more set in concrete. We should be getting the new car in a few months time so that will be exciting and everyone is looking forward to our new baby girl joining our family.
It's both Dan's and my 30th Birthdays this year (Dan in July and me in August) so we are doing a combined birthday party/dinner next weekend for our families. I have a bit of work to do this week cleaning and preparing for that but am now looking forward to celebrating that (I didn't want to do anything initially but now am glad that we are doing a 'small' family event.) It's still going to be a big enough crowd with all our lot here, LOL!
Ok, well... kids are screaming and it's all falling apart here so I'd better go sort them out!
Friday, 18 July 2008
Almost over now...
School holidays that is! I will be glad in a sense because Cody is so bored but sad in another because it's back to the daily dramas of getting everyone out of the house each morning!
We have had a pretty uneventful school holidays with lots of good intentions but everything falling through due to various sicknesses! Today we were supposed to be going to see our friends (from the mums group when Lachlan was born actually!) but yesterday afternoon Blake and Lachlan both had high fevers and were miserable so I cancelled that. Today Blake seems a lot better and Lachlan is still asleep so I really don't know how he is going yet. He seemed to have a terrible headache last night and that made him throw up but after that settled down he came good again. Doesn't explain the fever though?!!
I have sooooooo much washing to do around here that if I don't get onto it we are in real danger of disappearing beneath the massive piles mounting on the lounge chair! I HATE washing :( I especially hate folding it and putting it away hence the massive piles of clean washing!! I do hope to be able to sort this house out a little bit in the next week or so and once I get into that I will be shifting the babies to the front room and taking over their room as a 'wardrobe room' or 'laundry room' so that I can actually store all the kids clothes in the one room and have a designated place to fold and put washing away. I am hoping that it will make it easier to achieve this mammoth task and I'll be more inclined to keep on top of it... wish me luck!
*sigh* I'd better get going and referee yet another fight that has broken out...
We have had a pretty uneventful school holidays with lots of good intentions but everything falling through due to various sicknesses! Today we were supposed to be going to see our friends (from the mums group when Lachlan was born actually!) but yesterday afternoon Blake and Lachlan both had high fevers and were miserable so I cancelled that. Today Blake seems a lot better and Lachlan is still asleep so I really don't know how he is going yet. He seemed to have a terrible headache last night and that made him throw up but after that settled down he came good again. Doesn't explain the fever though?!!
I have sooooooo much washing to do around here that if I don't get onto it we are in real danger of disappearing beneath the massive piles mounting on the lounge chair! I HATE washing :( I especially hate folding it and putting it away hence the massive piles of clean washing!! I do hope to be able to sort this house out a little bit in the next week or so and once I get into that I will be shifting the babies to the front room and taking over their room as a 'wardrobe room' or 'laundry room' so that I can actually store all the kids clothes in the one room and have a designated place to fold and put washing away. I am hoping that it will make it easier to achieve this mammoth task and I'll be more inclined to keep on top of it... wish me luck!
*sigh* I'd better get going and referee yet another fight that has broken out...
Sunday, 13 July 2008
It's another...........
Just a quick update as I am soooo tired and need to get to bed! I had my 'big' scan on Friday and we are so pleased to say that everything looks great at this point and we are adding another girl to our family :)
So much for school holiday fun! We have been struck down with bugs galore in this house and we all seem to be sharing them back and forth - GRRRR! I have had kids spewing and pooping all over the place and now tonight miss Neevie is not looking well at all, poor little poppet! She has had a fever all day (though panadol brings it down) but that is a different symptom to what we have all had all week so maybe she is brewing up something new for us all for the second week of holidays!! YIPPEE!!
The twins have their 12 month developmental appointment at PMH this Thursday so I am really hoping that they are all better before then because I really want to go and get that over with! I suspect that all will be well there but it will be great to hear it from the Drs!
Well, I'd best be off and get some rest. I will try and get Dan to take a belly shot of me soon - I guess it's about time now I have well and truly popped out!
Just a quick update as I am soooo tired and need to get to bed! I had my 'big' scan on Friday and we are so pleased to say that everything looks great at this point and we are adding another girl to our family :)
So much for school holiday fun! We have been struck down with bugs galore in this house and we all seem to be sharing them back and forth - GRRRR! I have had kids spewing and pooping all over the place and now tonight miss Neevie is not looking well at all, poor little poppet! She has had a fever all day (though panadol brings it down) but that is a different symptom to what we have all had all week so maybe she is brewing up something new for us all for the second week of holidays!! YIPPEE!!
The twins have their 12 month developmental appointment at PMH this Thursday so I am really hoping that they are all better before then because I really want to go and get that over with! I suspect that all will be well there but it will be great to hear it from the Drs!
Well, I'd best be off and get some rest. I will try and get Dan to take a belly shot of me soon - I guess it's about time now I have well and truly popped out!
Sunday, 6 July 2008
School holidays.... YIPPEE!!!

I think I love the school holidays now as a mum more than I ever did as a kid at school! I think that must be because it is 2 weeks where I don't have to stress and rush and yell at everyone every morning..."hurry up... get your breakfast...brush your teeth....have you brushed your teeth yet?...where are your shoes?...hurry up, we are going to be late....Lachlan, you need socks too!....have you packed your lunch yet?.....I don't know where your library bag is, where did you have it last?......" you get the picture! Lots of fun ;) I love not HAVING to be out the door at 8.30am with 5 kids (soon to be 6!) all dressed, fed, ready for the day.
We spent the day around the house today just doing some things that needed to be done (washing, tidying etc..) and Dan got onto a job he has been meaning to get to for a while - the shadecloth from the patio to the fence line to create a privacy screen. It's looking pretty good! Next weekend he is going to try and get to do the cafe blinds around the pool and hopefully I will be able to spend the weekend next week sorting the front room and shuffling the kids bedrooms around to make room for our new little bubba.
I have my 'big' scan booked for next Friday and I can't wait! I am really nervous for some reason and just want to get it over with. I know it's irrational but I kind of feel like we are pushing our luck asking for 6 happy and healthy babies. I know we went through a lot with Max and Blake but they turned out just fine (thank god) and I just feel really grateful for what we have and hope our good luck continues for our last little one.
Last but not least I will leave you with some photos of the YUMMO cookies we cooked today :) the kids helped me out and we had a great time. It's a massive batch so hopefully it will last at least a few days (being school holidays and the fact that the kids are always 'starving' all day long, I don't really think they will last long!)
Friday, 20 June 2008
Still here!
Sorry.... it's been ages again! I know!!
You wouldn't believe the dramas we have had lately trying to figure out what car we can get that will accommodate 6 kids and 2 adults safely! I am so sick of thinking about it that I can't even go into the details now. It has taken me about two weeks of researching, asking questions, calling engineering places who do car modifications, reading reviews looking at cars and trying to figure out how the hell we can legally and safely add enough anchor bolts to a car. We have looked at just about every model of van and car out there and in the end I think we are almost at a solution. So far it's looking like a Toyota Hiace, modified to be a 12 seater so it can be driven on a normal license and adding 5 anchor points (the max. number we can get in the car) - not my ideal solution but the ONLY one out there for us! It appears that car manufacturers simply don't cater for families with so many young children (I guess just one more area of our lives where we are not 'normal')
The kids are all well at the moment (touch wood!) and doing well. The twins are really coming along with their pulling up and standing but nowhere near ready to walk yet.. I think they will be a few months off that yet! They still manage to get into everything though - grrr! I think I need to child proof a bit better around here because I just can't keep up with the two of them, especially when they head off in different directions to seek and destroy! They are really funny to watch but they are convinced they are just the funniest little things on earth and will laugh hysterically at you if you tell them 'no' or 'don't touch' - it's like you have just issued them a challenge and they are going to see who can do the naughty thing the fastest - LOL! As you can imagie they spend an awful lot of their day in the highchairs and the playpen - not so great for their walking development, hee hee!
They have a developmental appointment at PMH next month and this is the big one. It should tell us their developmental age now and if there is any problems or early intervention that might be needed. I have no specific concerns so I think they should do fine :)
I am travelling along ok too :) I am 16 and a half weeks now and have my big scan booked for the 11th July. We will most likely find out the sex of bubs since we have for all the others but I honestly feel at this point like I have no preference one way or the other. Of course I would like Niamh to have a sister but really there is no guarantee that they would grow up best of friends anyway and she is so close to all the boys now that I really feel it would make no difference. I will be happy to see the bub again though. I haven't felt any kicks yet and although it's early I would have expected to seeing as it's the 6th baby. I know I have an anterior placenta though so that would be making some difference. My belly is clearly growing though so I am not too concerned ;)
*sigh* oh well, I'd better go and do about 100 loads of washing... I will check back in when something exciting happens.
You wouldn't believe the dramas we have had lately trying to figure out what car we can get that will accommodate 6 kids and 2 adults safely! I am so sick of thinking about it that I can't even go into the details now. It has taken me about two weeks of researching, asking questions, calling engineering places who do car modifications, reading reviews looking at cars and trying to figure out how the hell we can legally and safely add enough anchor bolts to a car. We have looked at just about every model of van and car out there and in the end I think we are almost at a solution. So far it's looking like a Toyota Hiace, modified to be a 12 seater so it can be driven on a normal license and adding 5 anchor points (the max. number we can get in the car) - not my ideal solution but the ONLY one out there for us! It appears that car manufacturers simply don't cater for families with so many young children (I guess just one more area of our lives where we are not 'normal')
The kids are all well at the moment (touch wood!) and doing well. The twins are really coming along with their pulling up and standing but nowhere near ready to walk yet.. I think they will be a few months off that yet! They still manage to get into everything though - grrr! I think I need to child proof a bit better around here because I just can't keep up with the two of them, especially when they head off in different directions to seek and destroy! They are really funny to watch but they are convinced they are just the funniest little things on earth and will laugh hysterically at you if you tell them 'no' or 'don't touch' - it's like you have just issued them a challenge and they are going to see who can do the naughty thing the fastest - LOL! As you can imagie they spend an awful lot of their day in the highchairs and the playpen - not so great for their walking development, hee hee!
They have a developmental appointment at PMH next month and this is the big one. It should tell us their developmental age now and if there is any problems or early intervention that might be needed. I have no specific concerns so I think they should do fine :)
I am travelling along ok too :) I am 16 and a half weeks now and have my big scan booked for the 11th July. We will most likely find out the sex of bubs since we have for all the others but I honestly feel at this point like I have no preference one way or the other. Of course I would like Niamh to have a sister but really there is no guarantee that they would grow up best of friends anyway and she is so close to all the boys now that I really feel it would make no difference. I will be happy to see the bub again though. I haven't felt any kicks yet and although it's early I would have expected to seeing as it's the 6th baby. I know I have an anterior placenta though so that would be making some difference. My belly is clearly growing though so I am not too concerned ;)
*sigh* oh well, I'd better go and do about 100 loads of washing... I will check back in when something exciting happens.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Happy birthday to my gorgeous baby boys!

I can't believe it has been a year this week that my tiny little boys made their way into this world and turned our lives upside down! We celebrated their first birthday with a party yesterday (even though it's not officially their birthday till Wed the 28th!) and I am pretty sure they had a great day :)
It is a strange time at the moment for me... I can't help but reflect on the past year and everything we have been through. The changes the twins have brought to our house and the challenges that they had to face and overcome in those early days. I relive those first few days in my mind like they were yesterday and I am taken back to all those fears and scary feelings that we experienced, but then I look at them now - robust, cheeky and extremely healthy one year old little boys and I am so thankful for having them in my life, for all my beautiful children in fact!
Anyway... enough dribble from me, I will share some photos with you and leave it at that for today. Oh, but just one quick update on me and the pregnancy - we had our 12 week scan the other day and I am so pleased to report we saw one very healthy looking wriggly little bub in there! Dan has decided that we will call 'him' Fin - as in FINISHED! Ha ha ha ha!!
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
I was doing so well.......
*********WARNING - MAY BE TMI FOR SOME!**************
Please don't read this if you are squeaminsh! I was doing so well! I was really proud of myself because despite the fact that I have felt nauseous almost all day every day I had managed to fight the rising vomit ..... until today that is :( Where the hell does it come from? One second I feel fine and am getting the kids ready for school. We're rushing around packing bags, eating breakfast and me doing the usual ranting about brushing of teeth/hair etc.. then out of nowhere a baby crawls past me with that familiar poo smell about him (teething poos at the moment so they are extra special - and the joys of twins means twice the poo!) and suddenly I am lunging for the kitchen sink and madly tossing the dirty dishes out of it as I can feel the chuck coming - GROSS!
So here I am standing in the middle of the kitchen vomiting with an audience gathering around me (thanks kids!) tears streaming down my face (I am such a baby when I'm sick!) Lachlan was concerned about me, poor little thing! I ended up calling Dan to come home from work and take him to school - I just didn't trust myself to get in the car and drive after that.... aaah - almost too much excitement for one morning!
I guess I didn't do too bad - I made it to 10 weeks without chucking so that's something! Hopefully I won't get to do it again either ;)
Oh well... I'd better go... I have a 4 year old who is clutching a book that he has been desperately trying to get me to read to him all morning and a 2 year old who wants to watch Nemo on DVD... oh and a baby just crawled past me with that lovely familiar smell about him again *sigh* I guess it's Blake's turn!
Wish me luck!
Please don't read this if you are squeaminsh! I was doing so well! I was really proud of myself because despite the fact that I have felt nauseous almost all day every day I had managed to fight the rising vomit ..... until today that is :( Where the hell does it come from? One second I feel fine and am getting the kids ready for school. We're rushing around packing bags, eating breakfast and me doing the usual ranting about brushing of teeth/hair etc.. then out of nowhere a baby crawls past me with that familiar poo smell about him (teething poos at the moment so they are extra special - and the joys of twins means twice the poo!) and suddenly I am lunging for the kitchen sink and madly tossing the dirty dishes out of it as I can feel the chuck coming - GROSS!
So here I am standing in the middle of the kitchen vomiting with an audience gathering around me (thanks kids!) tears streaming down my face (I am such a baby when I'm sick!) Lachlan was concerned about me, poor little thing! I ended up calling Dan to come home from work and take him to school - I just didn't trust myself to get in the car and drive after that.... aaah - almost too much excitement for one morning!
I guess I didn't do too bad - I made it to 10 weeks without chucking so that's something! Hopefully I won't get to do it again either ;)
Oh well... I'd better go... I have a 4 year old who is clutching a book that he has been desperately trying to get me to read to him all morning and a 2 year old who wants to watch Nemo on DVD... oh and a baby just crawled past me with that lovely familiar smell about him again *sigh* I guess it's Blake's turn!
Wish me luck!
Monday, 28 April 2008
Thankyou.... you know who you are :)
After sitting on my previous post for a few days I realise that it sounds a little harsh! (I've had a lot of people contacting me and asking if I am ok, oops!) I am fine, truely... I was just venting a pet peeve of mine. It's an ongoing thing I have a few issues with but I should add that by no means was it the response I received from everybody in our lives.
Thanks so much to all the wonderful family and friends that have responded to us in a supportive way. I know that the people who care about us have shown us nothing but love and support and shared in our excitement so for that I am thankful, and I really wasn't referring to you in my last post - honest!
Time to move on and ignore the morons! I've just been a bit grumpy because I feel so crappy all day every day at the moment and I am still trying to come to terms with our surprise bubba but I know I will get there and soon will feel a whole lot better, so I promise... positive thoughts from now on!
Thanks so much to all the wonderful family and friends that have responded to us in a supportive way. I know that the people who care about us have shown us nothing but love and support and shared in our excitement so for that I am thankful, and I really wasn't referring to you in my last post - honest!
Time to move on and ignore the morons! I've just been a bit grumpy because I feel so crappy all day every day at the moment and I am still trying to come to terms with our surprise bubba but I know I will get there and soon will feel a whole lot better, so I promise... positive thoughts from now on!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
as I should have expected.....
ok, I don't know if anyone even reads this (probably not) so I am going to use it to vent away!!
without naming any names....
1) We are not choosing to have 6 children so that everyone in our families has to go broke buying presents for them.. We DO NOT EXPECT anything from ANYONE and I really really resent people inferring that my children are a financial burden to them - please just don't buy us presents! We have enough love and fun in our beautiful family and consider that to be of far greater importance than any material posessions or 'gifts' we might be in line to receive!
2) OK, so it might be all very 'funny' (to you maybe) but please put yourself in my shoes... I am not a 'breeding machine' this baby will not just fall out of me if I sneeze and believe it or not we do have TV's and we can 'say no'. I am young, I am fit, I enjoy my children and my body has not suffered irrepairable damage from carrying and nurturing them. It is truely none of your business how many children we have and if we can handle it then it should have no impact whatsoever on you - so please keep those really 'funny' comments to yourself - I am not amused
3) this one's to all those strangers in the shops (can't wait till I have an obvious pregnant belly!) PLEASE stop jumping out in front of my pram to count my children out loud and then make some stupid comment just for the sake of talking. NO SH*T I have my 'hands full' (If I hear that one more time I may just strangle the observant person) No I am not a 'glutton for punishment' and just because as you so aptly put it you couldn't "handle any more than your two" does not mean that no one else should have a large family. And finally my biggest gripe - STOP telling me that you 'feel sorry for me" this one is getting especially hard to explain to my 6 year old when you walk away and I am left with him asking me "why did that lady say that mummy?" There is no way to explain it other than you are a fu*king idiot (and we all know that is not an appropriate explaination!)
Now... as I said no one will probably read this anyway, but on the off chance you do I really hope it makes you think a little before you comment on someone else's life. Don't say dumb unsupportive things... after all, if you can't say anything nice.....
without naming any names....
1) We are not choosing to have 6 children so that everyone in our families has to go broke buying presents for them.. We DO NOT EXPECT anything from ANYONE and I really really resent people inferring that my children are a financial burden to them - please just don't buy us presents! We have enough love and fun in our beautiful family and consider that to be of far greater importance than any material posessions or 'gifts' we might be in line to receive!
2) OK, so it might be all very 'funny' (to you maybe) but please put yourself in my shoes... I am not a 'breeding machine' this baby will not just fall out of me if I sneeze and believe it or not we do have TV's and we can 'say no'. I am young, I am fit, I enjoy my children and my body has not suffered irrepairable damage from carrying and nurturing them. It is truely none of your business how many children we have and if we can handle it then it should have no impact whatsoever on you - so please keep those really 'funny' comments to yourself - I am not amused
3) this one's to all those strangers in the shops (can't wait till I have an obvious pregnant belly!) PLEASE stop jumping out in front of my pram to count my children out loud and then make some stupid comment just for the sake of talking. NO SH*T I have my 'hands full' (If I hear that one more time I may just strangle the observant person) No I am not a 'glutton for punishment' and just because as you so aptly put it you couldn't "handle any more than your two" does not mean that no one else should have a large family. And finally my biggest gripe - STOP telling me that you 'feel sorry for me" this one is getting especially hard to explain to my 6 year old when you walk away and I am left with him asking me "why did that lady say that mummy?" There is no way to explain it other than you are a fu*king idiot (and we all know that is not an appropriate explaination!)
Now... as I said no one will probably read this anyway, but on the off chance you do I really hope it makes you think a little before you comment on someone else's life. Don't say dumb unsupportive things... after all, if you can't say anything nice.....
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
An open letter to our family and friends....
Dear Family and Friends
Have you ever cleaned your pocket
And discovered a ten dollar bill ?
You really weren't expecting it,
But it gave your heart a thrill !
Have you ever opened the door
And there before your eyes
You saw the flower man standing
With an arm full of surprise ?
Well a surprise is exactly what's happened
As our bio clock ticks away
Now life has been gracious and perfectly good
By sending baby 6 our way!
We could have told you in person
But it's very important you see
That we only see thought and reactions
Of happiness, smiles and glee !
So once you've had time to digest it
And been able to ponder it all
When you have a nice word about all that you've heard,
Feel free to give us a call !
Have you ever cleaned your pocket
And discovered a ten dollar bill ?
You really weren't expecting it,
But it gave your heart a thrill !
Have you ever opened the door
And there before your eyes
You saw the flower man standing
With an arm full of surprise ?
Well a surprise is exactly what's happened
As our bio clock ticks away
Now life has been gracious and perfectly good
By sending baby 6 our way!
We could have told you in person
But it's very important you see
That we only see thought and reactions
Of happiness, smiles and glee !
So once you've had time to digest it
And been able to ponder it all
When you have a nice word about all that you've heard,
Feel free to give us a call !
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Half way through week one of the holidays already!! Noooooooooooo!!! I really hate school days - it is so much easier for me to keep the kids home and not have to rush out of the house in a panic every morning. It's so much more stress free in the holidays.
Having said that though, I think the kids are getting cabin fever at the moment. I really must think of a few fun things to do with them over the holidays so they don't think they have done nothing. Lachlan and Cody would love to go to the movies so I might do that one day ( I think they would love Horton hears a who! )
Dana has been down from Kal this week so we have spent a fair bit of time with them. I went with her to her 19 week ultrasound today so I have officially seen our new little niece/nephew first!! So cute!! She/He was a real little wrigglepot though and the sonographer had all sorts of trouble getting good shots (hence the she/he issue, LOL!) Still, it all looks great so fingers crossed for another 20 weeks of uneventful pregnancy for them before the new little one joins us.
Tomorrow the termite man is coming at about 1.30 so we will need to leave the house then and stay away for about 4 hours... great!! I guess I will take the kids to mums and hide out there till it's safe to come back. It might be take away night tomorrow night then... I don't see me getting home at 6pm and then trying to figure out what to cook.
oh well... I guess i'd better get some sleep since it sounds like the troops are down for the night. Being a mum to five is great fun but it's damned tiring too!
Having said that though, I think the kids are getting cabin fever at the moment. I really must think of a few fun things to do with them over the holidays so they don't think they have done nothing. Lachlan and Cody would love to go to the movies so I might do that one day ( I think they would love Horton hears a who! )
Dana has been down from Kal this week so we have spent a fair bit of time with them. I went with her to her 19 week ultrasound today so I have officially seen our new little niece/nephew first!! So cute!! She/He was a real little wrigglepot though and the sonographer had all sorts of trouble getting good shots (hence the she/he issue, LOL!) Still, it all looks great so fingers crossed for another 20 weeks of uneventful pregnancy for them before the new little one joins us.
Tomorrow the termite man is coming at about 1.30 so we will need to leave the house then and stay away for about 4 hours... great!! I guess I will take the kids to mums and hide out there till it's safe to come back. It might be take away night tomorrow night then... I don't see me getting home at 6pm and then trying to figure out what to cook.
oh well... I guess i'd better get some sleep since it sounds like the troops are down for the night. Being a mum to five is great fun but it's damned tiring too!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
end of term one already!
I can't believe how fast the year is flying by! I never seem to get any spare time to get on here and update! Just as well no one reads it any more...ha ha ha! They'd all be bored to death waiting for news!
I have missed out on updating heaps of stuff lately. We went on our week away to Busselton with Mum and Dad and that passed far too quickly. The kids had a ball and although it was really just the same work in a different location for us adults - we all had a good time.
My bubbies are now well and truly crawling! They get around the house at amazing speed if you turn your back on them so it's good fun! They need to be locked in the playpen if I am going for a shower or to hang washing out etc.. otherwise I come back to find them in the toilet (or somewhere equally as gross!)
I really must start thinking about a first birthday party for the twins too.. I have no idea what I will do - most likely a BBQ in the backyard and cross my fingers that it doesn't rain or isn't too cold.
Lachlan signed up for football yesterday so he is very excited about that. He came home and tried his new footy shorts and socks on and can't wait for their first game (the second saturday of the school holidays).
Cody and Niamh are doing well at the moment too. Cody is loving kindy with a passion. He is such a social little kid and thrives on the environment at school (wish his big brother was the same!!) Niamh is happy pottering around the house playing 'titchens' and mums and dad's with her dollies! Too cute!
I have missed out on updating heaps of stuff lately. We went on our week away to Busselton with Mum and Dad and that passed far too quickly. The kids had a ball and although it was really just the same work in a different location for us adults - we all had a good time.
My bubbies are now well and truly crawling! They get around the house at amazing speed if you turn your back on them so it's good fun! They need to be locked in the playpen if I am going for a shower or to hang washing out etc.. otherwise I come back to find them in the toilet (or somewhere equally as gross!)
I really must start thinking about a first birthday party for the twins too.. I have no idea what I will do - most likely a BBQ in the backyard and cross my fingers that it doesn't rain or isn't too cold.
Lachlan signed up for football yesterday so he is very excited about that. He came home and tried his new footy shorts and socks on and can't wait for their first game (the second saturday of the school holidays).
Cody and Niamh are doing well at the moment too. Cody is loving kindy with a passion. He is such a social little kid and thrives on the environment at school (wish his big brother was the same!!) Niamh is happy pottering around the house playing 'titchens' and mums and dad's with her dollies! Too cute!
Sunday, 2 March 2008

We have got so much going on at the moment! It makes a change to our usual routine but it is exhausting with so many things on the calendar!
Last night we went to see Ben Lee in concert in Kings Park - he was UNREAL!!! We had the best night and the concert was so good! Ben was really amazing and truly entertaining both while singing and between songs :) I think he's my new favorite!! We managed to get a spot right up the front near the stage so the view was awesome and I am so glad we went - I would definitely do it again.
I have spent the last week in a fair amount of pain from an injury I sustained while taking my new pram out of the boot during a routine school drop off. As I lifted the Phil & Teds sport out of my boot I allowed it to flick open and my fingers were unfortunately in the wrong position (where the pram hinges open) I swear to god I have never felt as much pain in my life! I said some really colourful words (NOT appropriate for a kindy carpark) then the tears started flowing and I couldn't stop and pull myself together. The pain was so intense I went into shock and started shaking pretty bad. Poor little Lachlan had to go off to his classroom with another mum from the carpark while I managed to drive myself off to the doctors. (I was going to go to mums first to assess the damage but pretty soon realised I needed to go straight to the doctors!) I had called Mum and Dad and asked them to meet me down at the doctors so I knew they were on their way to take care of the kids. In hindsight I shouldn't have driven with the kids in the car because by the time I got to the doctors I felt like I was about to pass out. The receptionists came out to the car and fetched the kids in and I went down to the treatment area. After Mum and Dad arrived and they had given me a shot of morphine and treated me for shock I was finally able to pull it together enough to think straight and Mum and Dad took the kids home to their house while I waited to get an x-ray. It turns out that I broke the fingertip off and crushed the bone into lots of little bits - no wonder it hurt like a b*tch!!
So, now I am dealing with a really sore finger and 5 kids while we are trying to get ready to pack for a week away! We are off to Busselton next Sunday for a week (not before Anthony & Leah's wedding on Sat!!) so I have soooo much to organise!
The kids and Dan are in the wedding party so this week will be spent getting all the last minute things together - socks, stockings, hair clip for Niamh, Niamh's dress needs to be fixed so it fits her properly, I need a haircut, wedding present needs to be organised etc.... Oh the fun!!
Aside from the crazy business, everyone is really well :) The twins are not quite crawling but not too far off. they are a lot of fun but a lot of hard work at the moment. Lachlan is settled into grade one and Cody is loving every minute of kindy. Niamh is growing up so much and she is an independent little miss - so cute though ;)
Well, I guess I should get some rest as it's getting late.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Not much to report
we are all just plodding along here - enjoying the school holidays and not having to get organised early in the morning every day! Lachlan has been doing Vacswim swimming lessons at the Kwinana Req and seems to be enjoying it. It's a bit of a pain because his lesson is at 11.55 every day so that means we are spending the major part of the day out of the house (by the time I have dropped the babes at Mum's and then gone back to collect them, had lunch etc...) Niamh is missing out on her sleep during the day because of it and it is making for one very grumpy little girl!
I am feeling really motivated to do some sewing lately. I have been reading some fantastic blogs from my EB 'newbies sewing' group and I am inspired! I need to get the footplate of Nanna Yates' old Bernina fixed because it is playing up at the moment so I will see if Dad can have a look at it for me but in the meantime I have just 'inherited' Nanna W's old Singer from SIL Dana since she said she wasn't using it and didn't have a need for it. I am really pleased that I have this 'new' machine now because I never ended up with anything of Nan's after she passed away and for sentimental reasons if nothing else, I will cherish it! Hopefully I will get a chance over the next few days to figure out my next move and settle on a project to this space, LOL!
I'd better go get off this computer and get some sleep now though, it is late and I had a major migraine type headache yesterday (which I am still feeling the after-effects from!) I don't want to find myself waking up with another one tomorrow!
Night all.
I am feeling really motivated to do some sewing lately. I have been reading some fantastic blogs from my EB 'newbies sewing' group and I am inspired! I need to get the footplate of Nanna Yates' old Bernina fixed because it is playing up at the moment so I will see if Dad can have a look at it for me but in the meantime I have just 'inherited' Nanna W's old Singer from SIL Dana since she said she wasn't using it and didn't have a need for it. I am really pleased that I have this 'new' machine now because I never ended up with anything of Nan's after she passed away and for sentimental reasons if nothing else, I will cherish it! Hopefully I will get a chance over the next few days to figure out my next move and settle on a project to this space, LOL!
I'd better go get off this computer and get some sleep now though, it is late and I had a major migraine type headache yesterday (which I am still feeling the after-effects from!) I don't want to find myself waking up with another one tomorrow!
Night all.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
First Aid Course
Just a bit of a plug here for anyone that might be interested...
I am organising to run a child-specific first aid course from my house. It is something I have been meaning to get around to for a long time and I keep thinking "what if I don't and something bad happens..." so I have called a guy who runs these courses and temporarily booked one in.
It will be :
Wed 30th Aug and Wed 6th Feb from 7pm till 10pm
Cost: $60 per person (includes all notes and manuals)
it's called 'save a child' (not sure if I'm allowed to link to it?)
If anyone is interested in attending let me know! I need at least 8 people to run it so feel free to ask your friends, neighbours, family etc..
I am organising to run a child-specific first aid course from my house. It is something I have been meaning to get around to for a long time and I keep thinking "what if I don't and something bad happens..." so I have called a guy who runs these courses and temporarily booked one in.
It will be :
Wed 30th Aug and Wed 6th Feb from 7pm till 10pm
Cost: $60 per person (includes all notes and manuals)
it's called 'save a child' (not sure if I'm allowed to link to it?)
If anyone is interested in attending let me know! I need at least 8 people to run it so feel free to ask your friends, neighbours, family etc..
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
My Neevie cracks me up!
Niamh is so funny! We made some brownies this afternoon to try and placate the kids and stop the constant fighting and whinging. Well, as you can see miss N. loves to cook - if it was up to her there would be nothing actually going into the oven (although in this case we may as well not have bothered anyway as I massively undercooked them so they were a soggy gooey mess - oh well, better luck next time.) Just picture this little girl between licks of the spatula saying "mmmm chock-lit, fave-rit!" She's a girl after my own heart :)
Monday, 7 January 2008
Happy new year!
OK, so I know I am a bit slow but as my first post for the new year I had to say it!
We had such a great Christmas and New years here! It was crazy and chaotic but heaps of fun and the kids all got so spoilt! The jolly old man in the big red suit was certainly very generous to them this year!
We had a full on week over Christmas with lots of family, friends and way too much food. There was a whole lot of swimming in the pool and the kids and I made the most of Dan being on holidays. I think he actually had a hard time going back to work after all the playing we did at home. Now things are finally starting to settle down again and I am doing my best to get the kids a little bit of rest before they need to start the school year. Cody will be going into kindergarten and Lachlan will be grade one!
The babes are doing really well too. They now both have two bottom teeth and can both roll from back to front as soon as they are put onto the carpet. I need to make an appointment to go and get them weighed but they are doing great and are very healthy! They have begun eating solids too. At the moment it is just one meal a day but they seem to be tolerating it well and soon I will move to breakfast and dinner. They sleep wonderfully well - consistently doing 12 hours at night time so we really can't complain about that at all :)
I guess I had better get going and get ready to go out. I am off to the dentist this morning so wish me luck! I hadn't been to the dentist at all for 15 years and finally plucked up the courage a few weeks ago. Today I am going to get a filling and an extraction done - arrrgggh! I hate the dentist! call me crazy but I would rather the pain of childbirth any day!!!
We had such a great Christmas and New years here! It was crazy and chaotic but heaps of fun and the kids all got so spoilt! The jolly old man in the big red suit was certainly very generous to them this year!
We had a full on week over Christmas with lots of family, friends and way too much food. There was a whole lot of swimming in the pool and the kids and I made the most of Dan being on holidays. I think he actually had a hard time going back to work after all the playing we did at home. Now things are finally starting to settle down again and I am doing my best to get the kids a little bit of rest before they need to start the school year. Cody will be going into kindergarten and Lachlan will be grade one!
The babes are doing really well too. They now both have two bottom teeth and can both roll from back to front as soon as they are put onto the carpet. I need to make an appointment to go and get them weighed but they are doing great and are very healthy! They have begun eating solids too. At the moment it is just one meal a day but they seem to be tolerating it well and soon I will move to breakfast and dinner. They sleep wonderfully well - consistently doing 12 hours at night time so we really can't complain about that at all :)
I guess I had better get going and get ready to go out. I am off to the dentist this morning so wish me luck! I hadn't been to the dentist at all for 15 years and finally plucked up the courage a few weeks ago. Today I am going to get a filling and an extraction done - arrrgggh! I hate the dentist! call me crazy but I would rather the pain of childbirth any day!!!
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